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Durrës is the second-largest city of Albania. It is the most ancient and one of the most economically important cities of Albania. It is located on the central Albanian coast, about 33 km west of the capital Tirana. It is situated at one of the narrower points of the Adriatic Sea, opposite the Italian ports of Bari (300 km away) and Brindisi (200 km away). It has a population of around 114,000 (as of 2003 estimate). The city of Durrës is home to Albania's newest public university, the Aleksandër Moisiu University.
Durrës is still an important link to Western Europe due to its port and its proximity to the Italian port cities, notably Bari, to which daily ferries run. As well as the dockyard, it also possess an important shipyard and manufacturing industries, notably producing leather, plastic and tobacco products. The neighbouring district also produces wine and a variety of foodstuffs.

Recent city comments:

  • ACS Marine, ACSMarine wrote 6 years ago:
    Marine supply store Web: M@il: Cel: +355 69 40 24310
  • Durrës Prison, somi (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    please give me your number. I couldn't find it in your website.
  • Shkolla 9-vjeçare "Vasil Ziu", Elena Lica (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    aww sa mka marr malli per shkollen time kam 7 vjet aty dhe pse 1 vit ika te BAJRAM CURRI qe ishte shkolla me e keqe qe kam pa vitin tjtr prap te vasiliiiiii shyqyyrrrr o zottt
  • Pelikan Transport Albania, (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    yes , you can , contact at out email adders please. all the best
  • Pelikan Transport Albania, Bleona (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Can i transport my car from Albania to Michigan ?
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