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Durrës recent comments:

  • ACS Marine, ACSMarine wrote 6 years ago:
    Marine supply store Web: M@il: Cel: +355 69 40 24310
  • Durrës Prison, somi (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    please give me your number. I couldn't find it in your website.
  • Shkolla 9-vjeçare "Vasil Ziu", Elena Lica (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    aww sa mka marr malli per shkollen time kam 7 vjet aty dhe pse 1 vit ika te BAJRAM CURRI qe ishte shkolla me e keqe qe kam pa vitin tjtr prap te vasiliiiiii shyqyyrrrr o zottt
  • Pelikan Transport Albania, (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    yes , you can , contact at out email adders please. all the best
  • Pelikan Transport Albania, Bleona (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Can i transport my car from Albania to Michigan ?
  • Blue Star Shopping Center, esmi (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    ne cfar kati esht restoranti ju lutem?
  • Port View Residential Complex, Dorian (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    your home
  • Hotel Lubjana, MAKSIMILIAN SHABANI (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • Hotel Lubjana, MAKSIMILIAN SHABANI (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • Luigj Aleksi Building, Kosta (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    This is the Flat-block where my parents live
  • Shkolla 9-vjeçare "Vasil Ziu", sara sewtt (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    u bo ajo rob qire muti
  • Shkolla 9-vjeçare "Vasil Ziu", sara sewtt (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    do tja q... ropt mun ne pi...... asaj zhysh mozes.........
  • Durrës, enddy (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    the city is wery well
  • Shkolla 9-vjeçare "Vasil Ziu", xhona durbaku (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    me ka marre malli per shkollen time vasil ziu
  • Shkolla 9-vjeçare "Vasil Ziu", xhona durbaku (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    shkolla vasil ziu eshte njish
  • Prefektura, entela mema (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    eeeeeeeejjjjjjjjjj une nuk desha foto se e kam pare nje mije here prefekturen po desha informacione per prefekturen......
  • Ramazan Njala Sports Palace, 007 (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    ktu ku shkolla 16 shtatori shijak fitoi kampionatin e futbollit mes shkollave
  • Euro Business 2006, junuzi, Diber (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Prsh Bajram, lajm ne ket nr ta pijme nji kafe ne Tirane apo Dures. 0693632502
  • Naim Frashëri High School, anxhelaguce (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Naim Frasheri high school is the best high school in Durres and the 5th best school in Albania :)I'm glad to be studying in this school! :)
  • Tropikal Resort, beni (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Dikur u quante Kvalishenca E rendit dhe ngjitur Kavalishenca UShtarake, dhe kjo e dyta kush ka qen ka qen nje perrall e vertet brenda ajo e rendit ska qen gje por sot nuk mund te futesh gjat viteve 90 ishte per publikun te merje dhoma